亞洲皮膚病理學會Asian Society of Dermatopathology



Section 1. Name

The society shall be called "Asian Society of Dermatopathology” (hereinafter referred to as “ASD”). It is a non-profit association of individuals, national societies, or organizations in Asia devoted to the field of dermatopathology.

Section 2. Definition of regions

The regions included in ASD are defined according to the definition of World Health Organization regions, including East Asia and Western Pacific regions but excluding Australia, New Zealand, and the Pacific islands.

Section 3. Office

The Society shall have a registered office in Taipei.


Section 4. Aims

The aims of the society are to enhance the quality of the practice of dermatopathology, promote the development and advancement of dermatopathology as a subspecialty, promote the collaboration and exchange of knowledge, and encourage research in dermatopathology and allied disciplines in Asia.

Section 5. Objectives

The objectives of the society are to promote academic and professional activities in dermatopathology in Asia, including regular meetings, research works, academic exchanges, and to enhance and coordinate education and training in dermatopathology.


Section 6. Member

Regular membership may be granted to registered medical practitioners who live in Asia or whose nationality belongs to an Asian country, and who are licensed in pathology or dermatology and certified and/or recognized as a dermatopathologist by the official or duly recognized dermatology/dermatopathology organization in their home countries, or by the Asian Society of Dermatopathology - Asian Academy of Dermatology & Venereology (ASD-AADV), International Committee for Dermatopathology - European Union of Medical Specialists (ICDP-UEMS), Royal College of Pathologists (Dip RCPath, DMT), American Board of Medical Specialties (AMBS), or dermatopathology specialists in Asia recognized and approved by the Executive Committee of ASD.

Section 7. Associate member

Associate membership may be granted to any registered medical practitioner who is a trainee or a fellow in an ASD-approved dermatopathology training program, or a certified dermatopathologist who is not a permanent resident in Asia, or a non-physician researcher or scientist with an interest in skin pathology.

Section 8. Honorary member

Honorary membership may be granted by the Executive Committee to any individual who has made significant contributions to the development, education, or research to dermatopathology in Asia.

Section 9. Membership Entitlements

Members are entitled to attend the members’ meetings and academic or educational events of the ASD. Members are eligible to be nominated to serve as Officers and on the Executive Committee.

Section 10. Membership Dues

Members and associate members shall pay the annual membership fee to maintain the membership.

Section 11. Termination of Membership

Membership in the Society terminates upon death, notice of resignation, or by expulsion if a member acts contrary to the ByLaws, articles, rules or resolutions of the Society. Termination of membership owing to expulsion should be approved by at least half of votes cast of the Executive Committee. Membership will terminate automatically if a member fails to pay the subscription fees due from him/her within 3 months of the first notice of subscription renewal. Upon termination of membership, claim upon the Society or right to its property or funds is forfeited.

Section 12. Reinstatement of Membership

Individuals who wish to rejoin after previous termination of membership will have to apply as a new member. This is subject to the approval of the Executive Committee.


Section 13. Executive Committee

The Executive Committee shall hold a meeting at least once a year. It shall organize the schedules of all the functions and the activities of the ASD, including scientific meetings, education, accreditation, and the election of the Officers.

Section 14. Executive Committee member

Each Asian country shall not have more than one representative from amongst their members in the same term. Only ASD members are eligible for executive committee members. The above condition for the executive committee representation excludes the “Ex Officio” members consisting of the past President and the past Secretary-General. The “Ex Officio” members’ role is to assist the elected officers of ASD in their official society roles.

Section 15. Officers

The officers shall compose of members as follows: the President, Vice President, Secretary-General, and Treasurer. Only ASD members are eligible for Officers. The candidates of officers shall be nominated from the general membership with a proposer and seconder, both of whom have to be ASD members, and approved by the nomination committee.

Section 16. Nomination Committee

The Nomination Committee consists of three to five members, including Immediate Past President (chair of the committee), Immediate Past Vice President, Past President (if present), Past Vice President (if present), one member chosen by the EC. The nomination shall begin in the last year of officer's term and submitted for election in the Executive Committee meeting of the last year.

Section 17. President

The President shall be the representative officer of the Society in all matters. The President shall chair the Executive Committee and shall appoint the chairpersons of all other subcommittees.

Section 18. Vice President

The Vice President shall assist the President in all his/her duties in all business matters of the society. If the President should be incapacitated or die, or is unable to perform his/her duties for whatever reason, the Vice President shall assume the interim duties until the new President has been elected.

Section 19. Secretary-General

The Secretary-General shall be in charge of all correspondence and keep accurate records of the society. The Secretary-in-General shall assist the President in the conduct of society functions and business.

Section 20. Treasurer

The Treasurer shall be in charge of supervising the financial status and prepare a balance sheet and a statement of accounts at the end of every year.

Section 21. Term

The term of each term of Executive Committee and all officers shall be three years. The member may serve no more than two consecutive terms (a total of six consecutive years) except for “Ex Officio” members.


Section 22. Funding

The funds for running the society may come from membership fee, donation, entrusted income, interests, and other legal incomes.

Section 23. Accounting

The Treasurer shall shall draw up a balance sheet, a statement of accounts, and a list of assets and liabilities at the end of every year and audit by the Executive Committee. All of these shall be submitted to the government for approval.


Section 24. Amendment of the Bylaws

Any amendment of the bylaws shall only be passed by at least two-thirds of votes cast in a Executive Committee meeting.

Section 25. Dissolution of the Society

The resolution to dissolve the Society shall also be proposed by the Executive Committee. The resolution shall only be passed in with a vote of at least three-quarters of Executive Committee members. In the event of the dissolution of the Society, the properties, assets and funds of the Society will be given to a non-profit association, as determined by the authorized government.