亞洲皮膚病理學會Asian Society of Dermatopathology

Meeting / ASD Annual Meeting / 3rd Singapore (2021.10)

3rd Singapore (2021.10)

Welcome Message


On behalf of the Organizing Committee, we warmly welcome you to the Asian Society of Dermatopathology Annual Meeting that will be completely virtual. We are privileged to be hosting this from Singapore on the 8th and 9th October 2021. This year marks the 3rd Annual Meeting of the ASD and the decision to hold this amidst the ongoing pandemic is the immense sense of need to celebrate what we have achieved as a young professional society for dermatopathology and to restore educational opportunities and sharing of expertise to a degree of normalcy. Indeed, in the virtual sphere, this brings greater opportunities in doing more in content and speakers. We are indeed privileged to have a slate of world renowned speakers and experts in the field, joining our faculty from all throughout Asia itself.

We have an exciting programme at this meeting which will comprise of themes of dermatopathology in tropical and global infections, in which we will cover what is currently very topical ie the COVID-19 infection, inpatient dermatology, melanocytic neoplasms and cutaneous lymphoid neoplasms. We are fortunate to have Maria-Teresa Fernández-Figueras, Omar Sangueza, Victor Prieto and Werner Kempf as our keynote speakers. The sessions will each feature speakers from Asia who will bring the perspectives of their dermatopathology practice and the rich local experiences in this part of the world. The case presentations will likewise be representative of the myriad of cases from across Asia.

To put a meeting of this scale together is no small task and to this end, we would like to thank the local organizing committee in National Skin Centre Singapore in planning the meticulous operations and Dr Wu Yu-Hung, President of the ASD, for his wisdom and guidance in support of this Annual Meeting.

We would like to invite you to join us at this meeting and we hope that you will have a productive and stimulating time at this special meeting.


Suat Hoon TAN
Organising Chair

Joyce LEE
Scientific Chair

Meeting Link: https://www.nsc.com.sg/Patient-Guide/Events/Pages/ASD2021.aspx